Hey, It's Me







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Hey! It's me, the goofy, spontaneous, caring, and talkative girl behind the camera, Lexi! I absolutely love capturing moments through a click of a button to help you remember a special time in your life! Like the saying goes, "take a picture, it will last longer". I find it so so important to have photos to back up your memories as they sadly, but truthfully do fade overtime. If you feel this way, I may be the photographer just for you!

Now you may be wondering, what makes me so passionate about photography? Well, here is the answer to the big question:

To be completely honest, I actually have two reasons that make me so passionate about photography. First off, I, myself, have struggled with comparison. I compare myself to everyone I see, wether that is on social media, or in person. I never feel like I look pretty and to be honest, I always feel like I am the worst looking whenever I walk into a room. I'm left sitting there thinking 'I wish I had as pretty of eyes as her' or 'Man, her teeth are soo white, I wish mine looked like hers'. I haven't really shared this with many, but it is the saddened truth. I know what it feels like to experience this and the saddened hole it can put in a someone's heart. Even though this started off with a sorrowful truth, it is what has made me so passionate about photography. I strive to make people feel like they ARE beautiful all the time, and they deserve to feel like it too. I have heard so many people say things like, "I am not pretty enough to have my photos taken, sorry" or "I'll break the lens on your camera if you take pictures of me, I am not photogenic". It breaks my heart because I know exactly how they are feeling. And in my opinion, they just haven't found the photographer for them yet. Everyone is photogenic! It just differs on the style of your photographer and how/if they pose you. I am an awkward person to pose because I am so lanky, so candid shots are better for someone like me. While others might look better being posed. DNA makes everyone different, therefore, everyone needs photos taken just a bit different. I strive to take pictures of you that make you forget about judging yourself, and to spark your journey of self love.

My second reason for being so passionate about photography is simply because I love capturing everyone moment in life. I recently had a very good friend of mine pass away so suddenly, and I regret even to this day not taking more photos with her or of her. I wish I would have those to look back on and remember every single time of the day or night that we were together because the ones I didn't take any pictures of, were the best moments. And the sad fact is; memories only last so long. The old ones slowly start to fade away as time goes on and you create more. But, pictures don't fade away. Even having one photo can help replenish your memory of that very specific moment in time. And this, my friends, is what makes me so passionate about photography.

On another note, I'd love to get to know you and take your photos to start this journey! Don't hesitate to contact me, wether you want to be friends or to schedule a shoot!



My Hot list for places I want to go





Las Vegas






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